Category Archives: the shadows over greyshore

The Shadows Over Greyshore, Part 4 (Finale)

I’m a bit fuzzy on the details, since this was wrapped up over two weeks ago, but the party went into a dark (non-magical) portal rimmed with tooth-like protrusions. Walking through a glistening cylindrical passage, they concluded that whatever they were in, it was probably alive at some point. Pressing on, they found a round chamber filled with water and criss-crossed with wooden bridges. They heard Obed taunting them in the distance, and after much banter the characters were resolved to beat him to death and finally get the fuck out of Greyshore.

Lwaxana used a Water Walking ritual to basically foil most of the hindering terrain for the rest of the adventure, so when tentacles burst from the water to tear it apart, they didn’t give two shits and were able to focus entirely on the crauds that were harassing them. After dispatching more crab-people, it was a straight shot to the Obed, who was waiting for them in a larger chamber, also filled with water and wooden platforms. And more crab-people. I remember this being pretty frenetic, with Obed unleashing devastating lighting attacks while his minions screened Hawkeye’s ranged attacks and kept Heien occupied in melee.

Eventually, riddled with arrows and bleeding from numerous cuts, Obed erupted into a tentacled horror that tried in vain to get a hold of the silver key that Lwaxana kept on her person. With all of his minions slain the party gang-raped Obed and destroyed another idol dedicated to Dagon as per their usual routine. With Greyshore’s cult finally routed, they were able to safely explore the rest of the shrine. They found a portal with an opening that seemed to perfectly accommodate the silver key, but no one in the party would have any of that (pity, really), as well as extensive notes written in Abyssal and Deep Speech.

They packed everything up, went back to Greyshore, fixed up their earth tumbler, hitched a boat, and headed out. Hopefully, the next place they went to wouldn’t have a population unanimously dedicated to their end and have some answers to their questions.

The Shadows Over Greyshore, Part 3

I’m not sure if a bag of holding can support living creatures inside it, and frankly the rules appear to be silent as to the size limit–if any–of objects. Like, it can hold 20 cubic feet, but can you but a wagon inside, or does it have to be something that can fit into the opening? I recall in older editions people putting all sorts of shit into these things, from fellow characters to an umber hulk zombie, so I’m not sure. I let everyone pile in, momentarily forgetting about the weight cap (shit) so that Hawkeye could summon up a magical fish to carry them deep underwater into the hidden grotto of the Dagon cultists.

They surfaced a half minute after the air in the bag had run out, which caused Moxie to lose a healing surge, but nothing too terrible. The chamber was a vast cavern filled with water, veiled in utter darkness. Using their everburning torch they got their bearings before a school of archerfish attacked them. It was…interesting using the swim rules, if cumbersome since no one had a DMG on hand. On a few occasions we forgot about enforcing the swim speed, especially when it meant something awesome could happen, and after the party dispatched them Hawkeye made a Nature roll in order to store them for later. After smashing up several clusters of fish eggs they scaled a sheer wall out of the water and moved on.

They didn’t have any way of mapping and I wasn’t about to map for them, so most of the session was them picking from differing directions when they came across intersections and seeing where that lead them. All too often this was an ambush–the darkness made it easy for everything to see that they were coming–or a trap, which actually lead them to a treasure parcel that contained a +2 quenchgiver longbow (handy for all the underwater combat, yar). Most of the encounters consisted of crauds, though in one instance there was a hidden water elemental that was killed almost instantly by a lucky crit from Hawkeye. My favorite encounter was the one where they got pinned down in a narrow tunnel. That required a lot of tactical thinking since crauds can move for free when they miss with attacks.

I’m thinking they’ll wrap up this adventure next session. There’s a few sinister surprises in store for them, heh.

The Shadows Over Greyshore, Part 2

After a week hiatus and a few minutes up recap, the party continued their quest to escape the second civilized location that they’d been to–in a row–where the locals were trying to kill them. Leaving the inn they heard a trilling drone that was difficult to describe as I’d probably heard it in the movie Cthulhu and otherwise referred to it as, “Dagon’s call”. They watched with a combination of confusion and temptation as the villagers walked towards the river, casting off clothes as they went, and briefly pondered the notion of robbing their homes since for better or worse they figured they weren’t coming back.

After Moxie pillaged a house for about 2 gp worth of shit she could sell, Hawkeye declared that it was a fucking waste of time.

Heading towards the only major structure, ironically a shattered tower on top of a hill, Beth’s character noticed that there was only one house with any light at all. Hawkeye posited that there might be a survivor, but that it was also probably a trap, and went there anyway. Remember kiddos, Good is dumb. The front porch was rigged with a simple spear trap, which Moxie disarmed easily. Inside the house was immaculately organized, and many furnishings were covered with dust that indicated prolonged disuse. Near the back they found a large metal door that was enchanted with a desiccating ward that, after disarming, revealed a shrine with numerous iconography, scriptures, steles, and so on depicting and/or related to Dagon.

Since a lot of it was gold, they decided to keep it after Randy’s character figured out that they weren’t tainted with the warping energy they’d found on the other golden relics back at Shardpit. There was a hidden passage behind a large statue, and with an hour or so of not getting ambushed by civilians their paranoia was reaching it’s peak. Descending warped, wooden stairs, they found a small chamber with a dark pool and tables covered in notes written in jagged script. Beth’s character recognized some of the diagrams as constellations, star charts, and planar orbits, and after decided to pocket it spawned a debate about how to best protect them from the elements. Something about mutant unicorn fish bladders which were coincidentally bags of holding. I dunno, I’m fuzzy on the details at this point. Hawkeye wrapped things up by freezing the pool with concentration Nature checks to channel his elemental spirits evocation, completing the task just in time to prevent something from surfacing.

That would have been all well and good, but they didn’t stop there. It’s wasn’t enough that they desecrated a shrine dedicated to a demon lord, or that they lifted everything made of gold (and in Moxie’s case, some nifty outfits), or that they reset the traps and changed the triggering mechanisms. Oh no, no no no. Beth’s character and Moxie, using a combination of insanely high Thievery and  Arcana checks, and Eberron dragonshards, added a Rick Roll into the mix. I’m all for slaughtering the indigenous dungeon life, even just to satisfy personal greed, but you have to draw a line somewhere. I’m considering shifting their alignments to Evil, or at the least reintroducing Chaotic Neutral.

Leaving the house they continued their trek towards the tower. Halfway up the steps Hawkeye spotted numerous crab-like creatures lurking about the buildings. They scrambled up the hill, momentairly crested with a barbican gate that due to a pair of extremely high rolls was subsequently relocated to the base of the hill where it can now be found cresting a foundation of battered crab meat. I’m not often a fan of allowing players to forestall or overcome a challenge with so few rolls, but these were minions anyway and it was a pretty badass idea.

Unfortunately, dropping a stone gate on a horde of monsters pretty much ruins your chance at surprise, and even through the rain, wind, and thunder the cultists holing up in the church were alerted. The party gathered up at the doors, booted them in, and started promptly kicking ass. One of the cultists, a wavecaller, summoned up a zone of water that trapped some of the characters, forcing them to use the swim rules which none of us had access to. Boo. Mostly I wanted to do this so that they could get to use their Aquatic trait, and it was a lot of fun doing 3D fighting with harpoons and scalding jets of steam. Things got a bit more hectic when a craud showed up, the highlight being when it smacked Randy’s character unconscious with a single hit, knocking him back into the water, but Beth’s character simply yanked him out with a majestic word. I try, I really do.

They explored the church and tower, finding a shit-encrusted grate that lead underwater that Hawkeye also froze up. He’s so damned paranoid. On the second floor they got ambushed by a very, very big crayfish that seemed dangerous but after being forced over a large hole and getting locked down with a few dailies, it was mostly an exercise in dice rolling as they filed off hit points. The critical hits helped, especially the one Randy hit it with since it was an aberrant and he’s got a byeshk scimitar. I really need to incorporate the dragon abilities from Essentials that automatically end daze and stun effects. Maybe I’d get to do something? Once they pushed it through the hole and splatted it on the ground below, they found a hefty treasure haul with a bow that Beth has been wanting for awhile, as well as a fishy figurine that will let them get into the grotto more easily during the next session.

The Shadows Over Greyshore, Part 1

The party decided that their best course of action would be to head towards Greyshore. Though they all knew it to be an impoverished fishing village, they figured that they could at least get a boat and get back to Zarash’ak that much quicker. On the way they were ambushed by more bullywugs (consistency!) and got stuck in the middle of an ankheg hunting ground. While the bullywugs were a random encounter, the ankhegs were planned and I’d drawn up a sloping depression with a pool in the center, surrounded by numerous man-sized tunnels. The idea was that the ankhegs could use the tunnels to drag people into, making it difficult to be attack unless a character went into another tunnel to try and find it.

That didn’t happen, as Josh’s seeker immobilized one and allowed everyone to destroy one before going after the other. I didn’t even get to grab anyone or re-enter a tunnel to surprise them later. Oh well, at least I got to use acid spray a few times before going down.

Once they got the tumbler removed from the water, they met Obed, purportedly a high priest of the Devourer who was heading to Shardpit from Greyshore. The party was understandably paranoid, asking him all manner of questions to try and ascertain his intents. They found out that he was going there to purchase some relics discovered in a mine, something that Randy realized couldn’t be true because of the time it takes to walk to Shardpit and the fact that everything was dug up only a few days ago. Even still, Liz wanted to see the guys stash of ancient valuables and they tagged along.

Once they got to Greyshore, Obed said that he would look into getting them a boat, and that they could stay at the inn for free. Once at the inn, they immediately set out to search every room for traps, secret doors, or latent magical effects. They realized after examining every room that the furnishings were far too expensive for “an impoverished fishing village”, which got their paranometers off the charts. They figured that they should just leave,  which triggered a combat encounter with the handful of patrons and barkeep. Using restraint they incapacitated them for questioning, discovering that everyone in the place worships Dagon, with the usual monologue that they wouldn’t make it out alive.

Greyshore Church Map

Encounter map of Greyshore’s only church. It’s a pain in the ass to make the tower section clear: the tower isn’t entirely intact, the third floor is missing (so the second floor is entirely exposed to the sky), and parts of the walls on the second section are missing. Some of the missing sections pertain to upper wall sections on the first floor. This allows players to maneuver from the second floor to the first by jumping…or falling.