Category Archives: play by post

Lair Assault Play By Comment?

Want to go through Lair Assault but cannot due to not having a FLGS (or scheduling issues, or whatever)? Well I am up for doing a play-by-comment type game here (or on another forum that gets recommended and everyone can agree on). Just post your characters and/or suggestions in the comments, email them to me, give me a link to a sheet, or however you want to do it. I will do a five-man group, slots go on a first-post-first-serve basis.

  • Level 5 characters
  • Three magic items (levels 6, 5, and 4)
  • 840 gp
  • No more than two consumables (level 5 or less), and only one rare item
  • Anything goes out of Character Builder/Compendium