Category Archives: monster manual 3

Monster Manual 3 Lite Review

Monster Manual 3 is purported to have, “over 200 monsters,” but I’m not about to count the index or glossary to confirm this. There’s a lot of monsters, and book supports the entire range of monster levels, so like past books its good no matter what tier(s) your characters populate. Some are classics, like the cave fisher, mimic, and nymph, while others expand upon existing monster types (more gnolls, runic gargoyle, and pact hags). I’m not sure if some of them are entirely original, but again I’m not about to do a shit-load of Google-searches to figure it all out.

Aside from having new monsters, it also features the new stat block layout that we’d heard about last month. The main difference between the format layouts is that powers are categorized by the action required to use it and are given a dark-green color to make the action type stand out, and powers now take up additional space. What I mean is that while power mechanics are listed in a clearer manner, they tend to take up an extra line or two of space.

For example, a typical weapon attack in the old format would take up a single line: +X vs. AC; X + X damage. In the new format, it has an Attack and Hit row. Really, most powers basically end up taking an extra line to type out, but the more powers the monster has the more lines it eats up (ie, four powers means four extra lines used). Otherwise there are some minor differences, such as auras and shit like regeneration being categorized in a traits section. I think that while it might take some getting used to, ultimately it’s going to be more intuitive and easier to reference.

I’d heard that some of the formulas got shuffled around a bit, and comparing default values from Monster Builder I’ve determined that in most cases the attack bonuses haven’t been changed at all (I did find a brute that had two points up on an attack bonus), but damage output got ramped up. For example, default level 5 brute damage is 1d10 + 5, but the silverback ape has a slam attack that deals 2d10 + 5. One of the apocalypse spells inflicts 4d10 + 10 damage on a hit, up from 3d8 + 10. Finally, one of those mirror golem thingies deals 3d8 + 14 on at at-will (normally 3d6 + 8).

On the topic of new layouts, all monsters now have multiple paragraphs devoted to fluff content about them instead of well, barely one-ish. There’s an opening paragraph that supplies some exposition about the monster in general, some more focused information on the individual monster type, a section on encounters (though no more sample encounter group bullet lists), and a bit on combat tactics. Some monsters like the chitine get quite a bit of story content (not to mention a sidebar).

For example, since for some reason I keep opening the book up to the entry on banderhobbs, I’ll just fucking roll with it. Banderhobbs are frog-like creatures native to the Shadowfell that cross over into the natural world to abduct people for some nefarious purpose. How do they abduct you? By either swallowing you up, or more mercifully stuffing you into a sack (though oddly the Equipment line is absent from the stat block…I…don’t wanna know).

Anyway, under Banderhobb Abductors in Combat it doesn’t say something like, “Start out with grasping tongue and follow up with gobble or swallow.” No, instead it says, “In a soundless second, a long, muscular tongue encircles a body and yanks it forward. The monster’s head snaps backward, and it’s jaws unhinge. Then the victim’s body disappears down the creature’s gullet. A second later, the creature vanishes.”

I actually like these descriptions, since it not only provides you with an example of how to narratively describe the actions as they occur, but also adds some, I don’t know, personality to the monster. Not all monsters follow this trend, however, some just talk about the monsters habits in combat though it doesn’t cite specific powers.

This is my favorite Monster Manual by far: more monsters (obviously), better stat-block layout, and better balance between hard mechanics and story content. I’m hoping that Wizards updates Monster Builder to alter all the official monsters to follow the new format (because I’ll already have my hands full updating my own creations). 

Update: My Girlfriend is a DM also did a review.

Playtest: Monster Manual 3

I’m just a bit vexed because I’d been working on stat blocks for volcanic dragons for…personal reasons, lets say. They briefly mentioned these in Monster Manual, or was it Draconomicon? Anyway, once I heard about these “catastrophe” dragons I started kicking some mechanics around because I wanted to have a solid foundation setup for when I would need them at the epic tier of my campaign. That being said I’m not really upset because, well, they did the work for me and probably a deal better that I did. Of course, I could also pitch them my ideas since it is a playtest.

Volcanic dragons work on removing fire resistance/applying fire vulnerability. Their aura and basic attacks all work on eliminating this, obviously because they can setup a devastating burst attack. You see, while their aura starts out pretty tame, they can expand it twice and then unleash a very wide area burst attack that deals ongoing fire damage, but thankfully reverts the aura back to normal. However, there is no limit to this so they can built it up again and again. The only silver lining is that its a standard action to expand it.
Now, they dont have a breath weapon. Their expanding-exploding aura fills in that niche. However, they can also create lava vents as a minor action. They can only do this once per round, and it recharges on a 6, so…yay? They dont have a duration, so if the DM rolls well you can count on a good chunk of the battlefield becoming hazardous terrain.

And thats just the little guys. Older categories dont really change much. The ongoing damage/vulnerability scales up for the elder volcanic dragon, but otherwise nothing new gets thrown at you. Until you hit the ancient category, at which point it can also create fissures of lava (kind of like a wall of lava) and their aura over doubles in size.

I look forward to playtesting this tomorrow. They are only elites, so I can add in some fire-themed allies into the mix and see how well that messes with things. They are really good at negating fire resistance and dealing ongoing damage at the same time, so I’m concerned that it might be very overwhelming when paired up with other monsters that have fire attacks. But, thats what a playtest is for!