Category Archives: map

Blackscale Swamp Map

A map that Victor whipped up for a Dungeons & Dragons/Dungeon World/probably FATE (which I picked up last week) adventure I am working on in between writing A Sundered Dungeon World (which is almost at 100 pages). The hard part is getting the plot squared away; once it comes to monsters/encounter building it is a simple matter of just switching up the mechanics.

Greyshore Church Map

Encounter map of Greyshore’s only church. It’s a pain in the ass to make the tower section clear: the tower isn’t entirely intact, the third floor is missing (so the second floor is entirely exposed to the sky), and parts of the walls on the second section are missing. Some of the missing sections pertain to upper wall sections on the first floor. This allows players to maneuver from the second floor to the first by jumping…or falling.

Shardpit Garrison Map

Oh, castles, keeps, forts, etc…the bane of my existence. Since Shardpit is at the ass-crack of nowhere, I figured that House Tharashk wasn’t given much of a budget, even for a dragonshard operation. The garrison isn’t too big (can “reasonably” house 34 soldiers, two to a room), but the townsfolk are a hardy bunch and are expected to pick up arms in case they get attacked. That, and some of the houses could also be setup as impromptu barracks to house conscripts. I wanted to limit myself on this quite a bit, and make it feel cramped, as if they couldn’t requisition sufficient funds to expand it. So access to the prison and kennel was added wherever they could shoehorn a room in.

The players will mostly deal with warped guards and dogs. Actually, I’m going to put half-eaten dogs in the kennel and have the rest be free-roaming (since they can teleport). The main objective here is getting into the prison, where there is a planar rift that can be sealed (sealing rifts weakens the end-boss and removes skill challenge failures). Some of the rooms contain tainted treasures taken from the shrine, and I’m also going to put in a byeshk weapon in the armory or sergeant’s quarters to give the party an edge (it wont be carried since none of the warped citizens or soldiers could safely touch it).

At the Mines of Madness: Map of Shardpit

Here is a draft map of Shardpit for At the Mines of Madness.

Roughly half the village is located within the quarry. Housing consists of simple, single room structures that are often shared by two or more miners. The most prominent building is a House Tharashk enclave. Now that I’ve got at least a rough I can start planning out encounter hotspots and planar tears, so I’ll update the adventure with more consistency, now.