Category Archives: inner planes

Legends & Lore: The Many Worlds of D&D

One thing I (usually) like about Dungeons & Dragons is that, unlike a lot of other role-playing games, there is no default world (though I guess 3rd Edition kind of implied Greyhawk). Sure, races have their assumed traits, and you can pick up a prefabbed campaign setting, but there are rules and guidelines to help you create your own world, going into as much detail as you need or want.

That being the case, why is it that there needs to be a default cosmology? Planescape featured the Great Wheel, which 3rd Edition kept (though Forgotten Realms had some kind of tree thing going on), Eberron had the outer planes orbiting the prime materialDark Sun had at least a handful of other planes, and 4th Edition gave us the World Axis.

In other words there have already been a number of divergent, official cosmologies, so why try to condense various degrees of the popular models into a single, default one that tries to use “as much prior material as possible”? Though I prefer 4th Edition’s World Axis and whatever you would call Eberron’s 3rd Edition iteration to the Great Wheel of editions past (despite being a Planescape fan), why not have them all as potential examples for DM’s on the go?

It is all well and good that they are trying really hard to please everyone with this, but they do not need to. 3rd Edition’s Manual of the Planes took the toolkit approach, by telling you what a plane is, what each planar traitlike gravity, time, shape, size, etcmeans, how the planes interact with each other, how to get from plane to plane, the Great Wheel as an example cosmology, and how to build your own. Oddly it was after that point that it went into thorough detail on each “classic” plane, giving you the traits, inhabitants, other features, and even telling you the repercussions of removing the plane (if any).

This book already exists. Just clean it up, cram several examples in there (Great Wheel, World Axis, and whatever else you want), and you are good to go. This way everyone gets what they want; people who liked previous cosmological models can use those, and people who want to make their own have the tools on hand to do so. To me this sounds more conducive to the idea of making Next the edition for everyone.

That being said I dig the idea of the border elemental planes. The concept sounds similar to Exalted’s elemental poles and Wyld, (which is fine because Exalted has a lot of awesome story content), or like a mix of 4th Edition’s Elemental Chaos and the Feywild and Shadowfell mirror planes. Either way both takes are more accessible locations for actual adventuring, so that it also a plus.

If you go beyond that you hit the deep elemental planes, which I guess were more like how they were portrayed in 2nd and 3rd Edition (maybe 1st, I do not know) in that they are pure elemental energy. So fire for fire, water for water, etc, which I really dislike because it makes them less useful for adventuring. I am guessing they will include pockets of other elements, so players may not have to rely on high-level magic to get around, but unless they do something to make them interesting I will probably just remove them.

After that you get the elemental chaos, which is briefly mentioned as “a region of pure, fundamental elemental energy”. I am not exactly sure what that means, but unlike 4th Edition’s Elemental Chaoswhich you could actually go to and survive without powerful magicit actually sounds worse than the individual classic elemental planes. As with deep elemental planes if it takes high-level magic to get there and survive then this is also getting the axe in my campaigns.

The bit about Spelljammer confuses me. Are people really going to get upset because a campaign setting they may not even own mentions one that they might be using? Magical pirate ships in space sound like they would probably be fairly easy to ignore, what with them being in fantasy space and all. Actually I never had much interest in Spelljammer, but from what I have seen I would probably prefer my own setting.

Wandering Monsters: Elementals & Genies

Next stop, the elemental plane(s). Personally I prefer the Elemental Chaos–it just makes for a better adventure site without a bunch of necessary protective magic–but I can live with cosmological ambiguity.

First off, I like the idea of short-term summonings requiring constant concentration to keep the elemental in line. Makes me think of how 4th Edition maintained the action economy by preventing you from summoning a small army of creatures, thereby allowing you to control your own party. This could also make for an interesting turn of events where the party disrupts the bad guy’s concentration, causing his former minion to turn on him (though, this could also apply to the good guys).

Hopefully the mention of a “lasting binding spell” means that we will get rituals where you can summon elementals (and other things), and force them into prolonged servitude. In this case I am more in favor of allowing it to act independently, though ultimately it will depend on how frequently it can be used and how long it lasts.

I guess needing a magical weapon to hurt them normally is okay. I can better understand it for air and fire ones. I would prefer them to go 3rd Edition’s route, with the weakest ones vulnerable to anything and the larger/older ones being gradually more resilient.

I am not a fan of the air and earth elementals’ look (and to a lesser degree, the fire elemental). Why does the air elemental have eyes and a mouth? Does it need to eat? How come it is the only elemental with eyes (and two, at that)? Why does the earth elemental need to walk on legs and have two arms? Why does the fire elemental have a vaguely humanoid shape?

This is the same problem I had with angels. Elementals do not need a humanoid shape, and barring a compelling story reason, probably should not have one. Even if you do not count genies it sounds like we will still have “elemental” archons, which are also elemental-humanoids. Do we really need sometimes-humanoidish elementals, too?

I would have the base set of elementals have largely undefined shapes. For humanoid and animals, those could have been made by the primordials (or whatever elemental lords you go with) as a way to emulate what the gods made (or, again, whoever made mortals and the like). If you go with mirror planes like the Feywild, then many those are elemental echoes of the natural world/Prime Material plane.

I think that genies should have to cross between the planes at set focal points. Past editions made mention of elemental vortices–areas where the planar barrier or whatnot between the Prime Material and various elemental planes was thin–which makes more sense than simply popping in and out wherever/whenever they please. I think it also makes for better stories if, for example, they have to find a specific place to meet a genie, or if one is helping them escape from its native plane. (or maybe they are trying to escape to its native plane).

The bit about being summoned and bound into service makes me think of The Dying Earth…I think. I know the genie in the lamp is a common trope, but I thought there was mention of wizards using bound genies in order to get around their otherwise severely limited magic. So, anyway, that sounds cool so long as characters have the option of doing that at some point (including all the inherent risks).

As for genie specifics a lot of their magic I can get behind, but some of it confuses me. All genies can fly? Even the dao (earth genies) and marid (water genies)? Why can djinni create objects–even metal ones, albeit temporarily–from nothing, but none of the rest can? I am similarly confused about the whole genie society. They are all apparently “cunning merchants”, which makes me think of elementally-themed Ferengi, but also raises the question of where they get their money and goods to stock up all their bazaars.

This is the kind of stuff that I would love to see elaboration on, if not in their Monster Manual entry, then at the least in a sourcebook. Some kind of origin story that might explain their sometimes universal access to magic and wishes would be nice.

Lesser Genies
I think that jann should have a bit of everything when it comes to magical powers. Creating food and water I can kind of get behind as something linked to earth and water, and turning invisible works for air, but changing size and going ethereal? The mention of gen is nice. I never got a chance to play Al-Qadim, but I liked the sha’ir from Heroes of the Elemental Chaos. If nothing else I felt that the story aspects of it provided an interesting way to learn magic.

It is also nice to see genasi get a shout out, though I prefer something more in the direction of 4th Edition. Perhaps without the crystalline hair, especially if they are based on genies that have hair.

This works, though I could stand for more overt.