Category Archives: if these stones could scream

If These Stones Could Scream: Region Map

Victor is normally tasked with taking my crude line drawing and making them into something that you can understand without patience and a magnifying glass, but since he has been busy I thought I would take a stab at it and see what I could do.

This is the region map for If These Stones Could Scream another Dungeon World adventure I am working on:

Not quite satisfied with how the mountains blend, and I’ll need to texture the grassy areas some more, but otherwise it is almost done. Then I will try my hand at polishing up Khajra (city map), and then the Serpent Ziggurat (dungeon map).

If These Stones Could Scream: Khajra Map Take 2

My second stab at Khajra, the primary adventure site for our upcoming adventure If These Stones Could Scream. I made the area with the actual town a bit smaller and added an arena, while the snakeman pyramid is quite a bit larger and circular (at Josh’s request). 
The town started out as a dig site for explorers investigating and/or looting the snakeman pyramid, but due to all the water after it was cleaned out it became a kind of resting stop for caravans crossing the desert. Eventually a would-be noble set up shop (and walls) and began charging people to stay and purchase water.

If These Stones Could Scream: Khajra Map Draft

Now that I am done with the Dungeon World version of Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes (13th Age will be coming once there is a SRD that allows use of the default icons), I have started working on another adventure titled If These Stones Could Scream.

After finishing 20 pages I thought I would switch gears and work on one of three maps that will be included in the adventure, starting with Khajra:

Victor is gonna have a field day with this one.
Khajra is located in the middle of an expansive desert, serving as a key stopping point for caravans passing through. Well, it used to until its inhabitants stopped opening the gates or even responding at all.