Category Archives: dungeon master’s kit

Dungeon Master’s Kit Review, Part 1

While hunting for my intended prey, Gamma World, I also managed to snag a Dungeon Master’s Kit, a boxed set that comes with I managed to snag a Dungeon Master’s Kit while in search of Gamma World, my intended prey. By it’s kit-like nature, it comes in a Red Box-sided box. While it costs twice as much it also comes with a substantially larger amount of content:

  • two fold-out maps that depict areas from the adventure module
  • three sheets of tokens
  • the aforementioned adventure module, in two parts
  • a comparatively flimsy Dungeon Master’s Screen
  • a Dungeon Master’s Book

Skipping over the maps, the token sheets are what you’ve come to expect assuming that you’ve kept up with material from the Essentials line. They’re a great substitute for minis not only for price but for players who don’t like having minis that only tangentially represent their character, or DM’s that tire of substituting rough approximations. Also, if you aren’t a fan of using colored tokens to represent bloodied monsters they have a red-ringed, “bloodied” side. The DM Screen is like the original one, just with updated tables (including skill DCs by level) and made of a thin stock that makes it both fragile and difficult to keep open, like screens from past editions, so score another for the nostalgic factor I guess.

The real treasures are the Dungeon Master’s Book and the adventure module, Reavers of Harkenwold.

Dungeon Master’s Book is another “digest-sized” volume, comparable to both Heroes of the Fallen Lands and Rules Compendium, that is basically a compacted version of Player’s HandbookDungeon Master’s Guide, and Dungeon Master’s Guide 2. So, there’s advice on table rules, running the game, the general D&D world, combat, making encounters, designing quests, sample traps, monster roles, and more. Basically, with this I don’t need to reference the other DMing books, but also I don’t need to go to Player’s Handbook for combat, either. The best part? It’s got all the rules updates.

Additionally, it expands upon the Nentir Vale, includes the random treasure table from Rules Compendium, and provides some more sample items with rarities. I think it’s a great book. It’s small, its comprehensive, it’s updated. It’s the next best thing to having your shit on pdf. My only problem is that if I want a replacement, I have to pick up another DM’s kit. Next time, I’ll review the adventure, which so far I’ve only heard good things about. We’ll see.