Terrain Features, Part II

Was in the middle of a post on Multiclassing/Hybrid mechanics and thought of some more terrain effects. Some of these terrain effects can get pretty complicated, and in general are things that on the fly I’d only normally think of if a player brought them to my attention. Not wanting to stir the shitpot on “D&D being too anime,” but some of these came to mind while watching Fullmetal Alchemist.

Mud: Difficult terrain, and also increases most forced movement effects by 1 (DM discretion, would limit to effects that knock someone around as opposed to taking control of their movement). Mud can be frozen with a cold attack, in which case it only adds forced movement distance, and running might call for an Acrobatics check to avoid falling prone.

Rain: Rainy areas impose an attack penalty to effects with the fire keyword, and creatures gain a +1 bonus on saves against ongoing fire damage. Attacks with the cold keyword also slow a creature for a round if they do not already. Heavy rain might grant a minor amount of fire resistance.

Pillars: I’d talked about pillars before, but I was thinking about allowing characters that can make multiple attacks actually attack pillars in order to knock them on an opponent. Like, slicing through one at such an angle as to cause it to fall on them. This is another option in addition to the normal pushing them over thing and also gives martial characters some more stuff to do with terrain.

Pools: Another one that I’d mentioned before, you can freeze them to slow/immobilize targets. Something else I thought of is hitting them with a fire attack, which creates a zone of fog that grants concealment for a round.

Snow: Grants fire resistance and/or cold vulnerability. Also, could have a staggering kicker effect where an effect that slows instead immobilizes, and if it immobilizes instead restrains.

Multiclassing vs. Hybrid Classes, Part I

Multiclassing in 4th Edition has gotten a lot of flak since the specific mechanics were introduced a short time prior to the game’s release, probably because it functions nothing like it did in the past, excepting that it lets you pilfer abilities from a class other than the one you started with. Some people think that it sucks just because of this, while others get all butt-hurt because they think that either: A) multiclassing feats suck too much to be worth the effort, or B) that it just doesnt let you spread yourself out thin enough.

In general I don’t think that is a bad thing. In fact, I like it more than before since it makes more sense when you stop and think about it.

Huh?? Yeah. WHA?? Uh-huh! Explanations abound!

In 3rd Edition class wasn’t a hardwired option for you, as it was really a point based system masquerading as a class based game for the sake of tradition. At any point in your character’s career, you could opt to pick any class you wanted to when you leveled. ANY. You could start as a fighter and then take a level in wizard, rogue, dread Necromancer, totemist, whatever the fuck you wanted. I’m not going to go into the logistics behind this, but suffice to say that problems would ensue depending on what you did since many classes had abilities that scaled by level. For example, there was little point in multiclassing into wizard for only a level or two since the more levels you got the shittier those spells were.

In a nutshell, abilities and features tied to a specific class’s level do not work when you can freely pull levels from multiple sources on a whim. Well, they work so long as you never stray from the class they are tied to.

The other flaw isn’t really mechanical but…not…mechanical…? Er, it arises when you consider the game narrative/consistency. What I mean by this is lets say that you started out the game as a wizard. You’re proficient with only a couple simple weapons and no armor of any sort. You go adventuring for a bit, perhaps a few days, and gain a level. Usually you’d just take wizard again so that you get more spells, but you could instead take a level in another class. Lets say…fighter. Since you gain all the class features, proficiencies, and class skills of the class, your wizard can now use all simple and martial weapons, as well as all forms of armor without any penalty whatsoever (except for spell failure, that is). Make sense? Yeah, I thought not.

For better or for worse, 4th Edition does not roll that way.

Multiclassing in 4E is a mechanical option that lets you acquire powers and/or class features from a class other than the one you started as by expending feats, but you have to burn a feat each for encounter powers, daily powers, and utility powers. What this means is that you end up “dabbling” in another class. Using the above example you dont gain a level and spontaneously gain a mastery of all cantrips and low-level magic, you instead pick up a single spell and also a fundamental understanding of arcane magic and shit. As you get higher level you can gradually pick up more and more spells at the expense of learning whatever the hell it was you were doing with your actual class.

The best part is that its considerably easier to ensure that your attacks are effective since A) attack bonuses scale by level, not by class, and B) powers also scale and you can swap them out as you progress. So, no having to fall back on magic missile at epic tier. The only drawback that I’ve encountered is that the ability score used doesnt change, so in some cases you might have to stretch your ability scores a bit in order to make it work.

As far as feats go, the opening multiclassing feats are actually quite good for what they provide, which is basically Skill Training plus something else. Generally if I want to pick up Skill Training I end up browsing the list of MC feats to see if one will give me the skill I want. Past that things get a bit trickier because you have to burn a feat each if you want to swap out encounter, daily, and utility powers. I think people get hung up on this “feat tax”.

On one hand I want to say that it does seem a bit much since you are just swapping things (and therefore gaining nothing), but on the other hand you get twice as many feats as you did in other editions and its not like any particular feats are necessary to survive. Plus, you can always paragon multiclass and not pay anything at all for your troubles. Or both. Whatever.

Actually, what I would like to see are multiclass combination feats that let some races get extra benefits when they multiclass in a thematic combination, kind of like how tieflings got that infernal captain thing going on, just not as shitty (warlords and Con-based warlocks dont really mix).

From a narrative stance this method shines since you dont get an entire class’s suite of stuff, just a trick or two. It makes so much more sense that the Fighter was able to pick up a spell by “reading over a Wizard’s shoulder”, instead of somehow mastering them all in a fraction of the time it took the wizard to do so.

I’m not an optimizer in the sense that I methodically construct characters, mapping them out in intricate detail throughout all 30 levels. Mainly I think of a concept and just roll from there, preferring to take the “organic” approach and pick new options as I actively play the character and see how it grows. Usually the starting concept is a logical one, such as a Warforged Fighter or Longtooth Shifter Barbarian. Sometimes its a bit more unorthodox, like a Gnoll Monk or Gnome Barbarian. Depends on if the concept looks cool in my head.

The entire process goes like this, I pick a race like…minotaur, and mash it with a class like, say…rogue? Well they’re strong so I’ll go with the brute scoundrel class feature and try and pick powers that emphasize mobility and forced movement. Is this ideal? I dunno, just sounds cool to me. I then go through the motions picking feats and powers that work with the concept. They may not be the most optimal, but they’re the ones that fit the theme that I’m aiming for.

Multiclassing can help with this conceptual phase quite a bit, and I dont have to worry about it crippling me in the process. I made a Minotaur Tactical Warlord/Artificer that was based on the idea that he was a general during the Last War and got hit by a particularly nasty living fireball, which caused him to lose his arm. He got a mechanical replacement, and decided to learn how to maintain it himself. This concept was made functional because of how multiclassing works in this edition. In 3rd Edition it would have made for a very sub-par character since my Artificer infusions would have gradually depreciated (and my attack bonus would have sucked ass, making for a very piss-poor Fighter…which is saying a lot since 3E Fighters were always piss-poor).

So thats my opinion of multiclassing. It works out alright from a mechanical and narrative perspective, perhaps better on the latter. I think a good “fix” would be to make racial feats that make it easier to pick up powers from thematic classes (like eladrin multiclassing into wizards, elves into ranger, etc). Maybe a feat that lets you use another ability score for attacks instead of the original one? Dunno. Really though I’m content with it as is since for me multiclassing is an option to assist me in realizing a concept, nothing something I utilize for min/maxing purposes.

Next up, hybrid classes.

Savage Encounters Preview

I’d be a bit more surprised/excited about previews for the newest DDM set if DDM Spoilers hadnt spoiled it quite some time ago. Like, awhile ago. I forgot how long they’ve had images of every damned mini on their site. Hell, they’ve got some theories for the next one if you want to get a real preview. To keep this post short, the dragon and sorrowsworn look good, the lil’ green goblin looks like lil’ green shit.

Wizard Essentials

I’m a big fan of the wizard class, even if mostly in theory. My only stint with 4E wizards was a fire-themed tiefling summoner in a short-lived Scales of War campaign. I enjoyed the fact that I could specialize in a specific energy without gimping myself in case we ran into one of a million fire-themed baddies, but I also liked being able to be a wizard all day without also serving as the naptime indicator. Win-win for all.

This first half of Wizard Essentials mainly condenses basic class information from Player’s Handbook and Arcane Power, allowing a new or initiate wizard player to have the basics all in one spot (and I suppose to also help pimp AP in case you didnt already own it).

  • It starts with class features, going into brief detail on the individual cantrips (such as non-combat uses).
  • Implements just talks about each implement and power selection to go with. There’s also a table of race/implement match ups at the end.
  • Ability scores doesnt tell you anything that a cursory examination of the actual implement sections wouldnt, but I guess its nifty to have it all in one place.

Again, nothing you couldnt figure out on your own. Basic, but good for players that want to get quick information on wizards without having to hit the (physical) books. If you already play wizards then you arent going to get shit from this first half. However, everyone wins with the second part.

There are nine feats, with four heroic and five paragon. There’s no particular theme here: Far Spell extends ranged and area bursts, Immolate the Masses grants temp hp when you drop minions, Lightning Transport lets you teleport when you kill something with a lightning spell, etc.
I particularly like Bitter Cold and Acid Splash as benchmarks for making feats that play up to energy specialization. The former adds a kicker effects if you hit while the latter deals a minor amount of damage if you miss. I’m a fan of thematic characters, and whenever I make a wizard I tend to stick with an energy type (like fire).
Frankly, I think that there should also be a feat that deals damage if you miss with a fire effect. 😛

There’s also an assortment of new spells, including another at-will attack (in case you thought that the current nine just werent cutting it). Many of them require that you are using a specific implement, which I like since it plays up the fact that wizards really care about what sort of tool they are using (like fighters). In fact, why not make spells that get extra benefits if you are using a specific implement? I think my fav is tome of transposition, which lets you use another daily of equal level or lower thats in your spellbook and use it if you miss.

It wraps up with a paragon path specifically for tome users. You get bonuses to rituals, can daze enemies with action points and crits, and the level 20 daily sucks the critter into your book so they can sit out for a bit.

So, good for everyone. If you dont know about wizards, its a crash course on wizardry along with some new shit. If you already know what they are all about, then…new shit. Enjoy.

Den of the Slave Takers Review

The second adventure for Chaos Scar is out. The backstory to Den of the Slavetakers is pretty confusing: you have gnoll slaver(s) that are actually using their slaves for “death rituals” whatever a botched witherling is instead of selling them, a halfling packing a meteor shard that is using it to create fucked up homunculi (for some reason), and myconids that are being drawn to the shard and want to take it and destroy it…I guess. I mean, they’re taking their time on it, to be sure, but they’ll get around to it when the plot calls for it. Or not. I dunno.


The default hooks are either going into the Chaos Scar to rescue captured halflings and/or being hired by a temple of Avandra to bust up Torog’s cult. Simple and straightforward, which is fine considering that the encounter composition is batshit random. There’s just no theme or sense of consistency going on here.

First, there arent gnoll slavers, there’s just one gnoll with one arm. He fancies himself the Hand of Torog, and spends his time playing watchdog during religious ceremonies (that are held I have no fucking idea where) instead of actually participating. Actually, he gets to play watchdog with a mutated arbalester that is kept chained up for no reason that is made apparent.

Second, the map looks pretty artificial, which normally wouldnt be a problem except that I dont know if its supposed to seem that way. From what I gather, its “naturally formed”…with thin walls, level floors, stairs (of all things), and doors. If its worked, I want to know how, since halfling and gnolls arent exactly known for their masonry.

See, I dont mind the squared off walls and whatnot (much easier to map by any means), its the rest of the crap that doesnt work for me. There should be more difficult terrain, uneven sections, lack of doors, and for the love of fuck where are all the slaves? Even if they’re all dead, where would they keep them? There just isnt any room for them. The entire dungeon layout looks bad, reminding me of the worst aspects of Rescue at Rivenroar and/or Keep on the Shadowfell.

Finally, the end attack where all of three myconids show up to fetch the shard is also pretty damned weak. Like, a fungus tower comes crashing against the cliff, and then a trio of shrooms clamber up and…well…dont do much. I’d have liked to see the insertion of minions or something to make it seem, I dunno, grander.

Why not have the dungeon be a lost fane of Torog that was revealed after the meteor crash, seeing as he’s an Underdark god and all? Actually, you could have just as easily gone with all myconids that are serving the shard (or something of a better level that also likes to live underground). What if gnolls were kidnapping people, and the party show up only to have most of the gnolls and slaves gone and discover that myconids erupted out of the dark and dragged everyone off? Could add a horror element to the adventure, and add some consistency to the plot (like, gnoll slavers…plural).

The general concept of Chaos Scar has be intrigued. Stick in the Mud really had me going. This? This grinds that interest to a halt, and drops a fucking bomb in my car. I have absolutely no interest to run this. Luckily Chaos Scar is designed to be very open ended so my players can skip it…or I can just rework it with my own ideas and call it something else entirely.

Failed Perceptions 2

And its time for another issue of Failed Perceptions. This one was done for Wyatt, who specially requested this power. I was happy with the first panel, but then due to time constraints had to gradually rush through the last two. As a disclaimer, I think I’m pretty good at drawing, but I’m neither a professional artist nor comic art-dude.

So here’s our plucky rogue, using his totally 4wesome and radical power, bloody path. His words literally bleed with conviction, and his dagger is called Pain Chain. I also found that laser-background-whoosh effect thing. You can see it now.

The boneclaw is confused cause he has Threatening Reach and didnt get to attack the rogue, and now is beginning to think that maybe he still doesnt understand the opportunity attack rules.

While bloody path is a magical compulsion that causes you to attack yourself, the boneclaw was feeling particularly emo about not getting his opportunity attack, and thought fuck it, I’ll just carve out my brain and go play 3E/3.5E/3.75EPathfinder. He died because the rules dont say that undead can live without brains. Remember kids, exception-based design kills you. Kills you mega-dead.

Dragon Age: Origins Character Builder

If you absolutely cannot wait until the game launches, you can fritter away your precious time by making characters. Not sure if characters made with the program can be ported into the actual game when/if you get it. If so, its not a complete waste of time. I spent about half an hour messing with all the sliders to see what sort of bizarre features I could “bestow” upon my horrid creations. To the game’s credit, I find many of the available options to be palatable to my vision, though the hairstyles mostly fall within the range of stupid and fucking ridiculous.

While eye candy does not a good game make, as I’d feared the initial options seem much too limited for my taste. Three races, and they cannot select from all the classes? Why cant dwarves pick mage? Its just stupid and arbitrarily limiting. It feels like OD&D, and I’m none too fond of that. Hopefully the class options are diverse enough to span the gulf.